Kyrgyz Republic is located in northeast of Middle Asia, occupying a part of Tyan-Shan and northern of the range Pamiro-Alay. The borders pass basically on natural boundaries – edges of high mountain and rivers, only by places they fall on plains of Chuy, Talas and Fergana valley. From three parties: from north, west and south, it borders on republics of former Soviet union: by Republic of Kazakhstan (extent of border of 1113 kms.), Republic of Uzbekistan (extent of border of 1374 kms.) and Republic of Tadjikistan (extent of border of 972 kms.), and from east and south-east – with the China (extent of border of 1049 kms.). General length of borders of Kyrgyzstan – 4503 kms., area – 199.9 thousand km.2
It is the most popular country for ibex and argali hunting due to the high success (close to 100%) and the prices which are the best ones. The hunt is mainly done stalking although sometimes it is possible to do some driven hunts, during the hunt we use horses. The altitude of the hunting area goes from 3500 to 5000 meters. The hunting area is the Tian Shan mountains, we use the following camps situated in the Issyk-Kul area with a total of 200.000 hectares: Ulan, Karakolka, Boz-Jalpak, Jany-Jer and Emergen.
The hunting season goes from August to March, the best months are from November to February.